Plant Guide

First Editions

Explore our plant reference resources on our top products, including trees, shrubs, grasses, and more.


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First Edition shrub with green leaves and with clusters flowers

Popular Plants

Check out some of our most popular plants in this category. See our full list below, or view our Plant Catalog for our complete list of available plants!

Little Devil Ninebark

Ninebarks are known for their decorative and hardy qualities. However, if you wanted to grow one in your landscape, you needed significant space. With the introduction of the Little Devil ninebark, you can now add this shrub to smaller areas. This dwarf variety takes all those great qualities and combines them into a small package. If you want an ornamental with limited space, you cannot go wrong with the Little Devil ninebark.

Light-o-day Hydrangea with purple flowers

Light-o-Day Hydrangea

The Light-o-Day hydrangea is not a native plant to North America, but you can find this variety throughout many gardens. Its stunning white blooms and green leaves are guaranteed to add a pop to your outdoor space. This plant’s elegant lace cap style is a big plus for many gardeners, along with its variegated foliage of pure white and deep greens. This hydrangea provides a combination of foliage and flowers that will last throughout the growing season. As the flowers develop, they change from a pure white color to a soft shade of blue or pink. These plants will work perfectly with other perennials or small shrubs throughout your yard.

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