Plant Encyclopedia

Grape Lollipop™ Phlox

Phlox paniculata 'DiDitomsur'

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Grape Lollipop Phlox with dark purple flowers

Discover More Information On Grape Lollipop™ Phlox

Grape Lollipop™ Phlox is covered in grape-colored flowers with striking red eyes that bloom in the summer. The fragrant blooms, compact habit, and mildew-resistance make this a great addition to the garden for phenomenal summer interest. Introduced by Plant Nouveau.

Plant Attributes

Grape Lollipop™ Phlox (Phlox paniculata 'DiDitomsur') is a stunning, eye-catching perennial plant that boasts vibrant, grape-purple colored flowers with a pleasing fragrance. This captivating variety of phlox is a member of the Polemoniaceae family and is native to North America. It is an ideal choice for adding a pop of color and visual interest to gardens, borders, and landscapes.

The Grape Lollipop™ Phlox exhibits an upright growth habit, typically reaching a height of 18-22 inches and a spread of 18-24 inches. This makes it an excellent choice for middle to back border planting, as it adds height and structure to garden designs. It has a vigorous growth rate and usually blooms from mid to late summer, providing a long-lasting display of color.

The flowers of the Grape Lollipop™ Phlox are borne in dense, rounded clusters called panicles, with each individual bloom featuring five petals surrounding a darker central eye. The attractive blooms are known to attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators, making this plant an excellent addition to a wildlife or pollinator garden. The dark green foliage is lance-shaped and has a slightly glossy appearance, providing an attractive contrast to the vibrant flowers.

This hardy phlox variety thrives in USDA hardiness zones 3 through 8, making it suitable for a wide range of climates. It prefers well-drained, fertile soil and full sun to light shade for optimal growth and flower production. The Grape Lollipop™ Phlox is also resistant to powdery mildew, a common problem with many phlox varieties, which makes it an excellent choice for low-maintenance gardening.

To maintain the health and vigor of Grape Lollipop™ Phlox, it is essential to provide regular water, especially during dry periods, and to apply a balanced fertilizer in the spring to promote strong growth. Deadheading spent blooms will encourage further flowering and keep the plant looking tidy. Pruning back the plant in late winter or early spring can help promote bushier growth and prevent the plant from becoming too leggy.

Landscape Use

Grape Lollipop™ Phlox is a versatile plant with numerous landscaping uses, thanks to its stunning flower color, pleasing fragrance, and attractive growth habit. Here are some of the top landscaping applications for this delightful perennial:

  1. Mixed Borders: Its medium height and vibrant flower color make Grape Lollipop™ Phlox an ideal choice for adding visual interest to mixed borders. Plant it alongside other perennials, shrubs, and ornamental grasses to create a diverse and dynamic landscape.
  2. Cottage Gardens: The charming, old-fashioned appeal of phlox makes it a perfect addition to a traditional cottage garden. Combine it with other classic perennials, such as roses, peonies, and delphiniums, for a timeless and romantic look.
  3. Wildlife Gardens: The brightly colored flowers and sweet fragrance of Grape Lollipop™ Phlox are known to attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators. Planting it in a wildlife garden will not only add beauty to the space but also help support the local ecosystem.
  4. Cut Flower Gardens: With its long-lasting blooms and captivating fragrance, Grape Lollipop™ Phlox is an excellent choice for a cut flower garden. Plant it alongside other cutting favorites, such as dahlias, zinnias, and snapdragons, to create a colorful and fragrant bouquet.
  5. Mass Planting: Plant several Grape Lollipop™ Phlox plants together in a mass planting to create a stunning, eye-catching display of color. The bold purple flowers will create a dramatic visual impact when planted en masse.
  6. Containers: For those with limited garden space or who prefer container gardening, Grape Lollipop™ Phlox can be grown in large pots or planters. Combine it with other container-friendly perennials or annuals to create a striking display on a patio, balcony, or terrace.
  7. Foundation Plantings: Grape Lollipop™ Phlox can be used to add color and interest to foundation plantings, softening the appearance of building exteriors while providing a pleasing fragrance near entrances and walkways.
  8. Erosion Control: Planted on slopes or banks, Grape Lollipop™ Phlox can help prevent soil erosion with its root system, while adding a splash of color to the landscape.

With its numerous landscaping uses, Grape Lollipop™ Phlox is a versatile and attractive addition to any garden, providing stunning color and fragrance throughout the summer months.

Planting & Care

Planting and caring for Grape Lollipop™ Phlox is relatively easy, making it a popular choice for gardeners of all skill levels. Here is a guide to planting and caring for this attractive perennial:

  1. Planting: Choose a location with well-drained, fertile soil and full sun to light shade. Grape Lollipop™ Phlox thrives in USDA hardiness zones 4 through 8, so ensure that your climate is suitable for this variety. Plant in spring or early fall, allowing enough space for the plant to reach its mature size (18-22" inches tall and 18-24 inches wide).
  2. Soil Preparation: Amend the planting site with organic matter such as compost, well-rotted manure, or leaf mold to improve soil fertility and drainage. This will provide your Grape Lollipop™ Phlox with the necessary nutrients for healthy growth.
  3. Watering: Regular watering is essential for Grape Lollipop™ Phlox, especially during dry periods. Ensure that the soil remains consistently moist but not waterlogged. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other issues.
  4. Fertilizing: Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in the spring to promote strong growth and flower production. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the correct application rate.
  5. Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch around the base of the plant to help conserve moisture, regulate soil temperature, and suppress weeds. This will also help improve the overall health of your Grape Lollipop™ Phlox.
  6. Deadheading: Remove spent blooms regularly to encourage further flowering and maintain a tidy appearance. This will also help prevent the spread of disease and reduce the chance of self-seeding.
  7. Pruning: Cut back the plant in late winter or early spring to promote bushier growth and prevent it from becoming too leggy. This will also help maintain a compact, attractive shape.
  8. Pest and Disease Control: Grape Lollipop™ Phlox is resistant to powdery mildew, a common problem with many phlox varieties. However, it's essential to monitor the plant for other pests and diseases, such as aphids, spider mites, and root rot. Treat any issues promptly with appropriate organic or chemical controls.
  9. Division: To maintain the vigor of your Grape Lollipop™ Phlox and prevent overcrowding, divide the plant every 3-4 years in early spring or fall. This will also provide you with additional plants to expand your garden or share with friends.

With proper planting and care, Grape Lollipop™ Phlox will reward you with a stunning display of vibrant, fragrant blooms throughout the summer months, adding beauty and interest to your garden.

Additional Information

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Grape Lollipop™ Phlox


Plant Features

  • Height: 18-22"
  • Width: 18-24"
  • Hardiness Zone: 3-8
  • Heat Zone: 7
  • Exposure: Full Sun
  • Habit: Upright
  • Flower Color: Dark Purple

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